Welcome to my blog.. MY SCRAPBOOK JOURNAL, a place where I share my love for this hobby and a little bit more. Hope you enjoy it ...........

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Excelente "Tip & Trick" para los cortes pequenos en maquina...

Como saben mi proximo regalo de mi para mi es la Silluette Cameo..... Mis amigas estan fascinadas con ella y esta vez espero que no me pase como con la cricut que si la use 5 veces fue mucho y termine vendiendola con todo y los cartriges practicamente nueva..... Pues buscando informacion me encontre con este "post" que quiero compartir con ustedes poque se lo dificil que es pasar pedacitos chiquitos cuando cortamos cosas con mucho detalle.... miren que idea tan genial....

Magic Mesh as “transfer film” for paper projects

Using transfer tape makes aligning the cut pieces of a vinyl image simple. (If you have no idea what I am talking about you may want to watch the video on this page.) It would be wonderful to use the same technique for paper-based projects, but the trouble is that commercial transfer tape, Cont-Tact paper or painters tape tear up the surface of your cardstock cutouts when it is removed.
In my quest for a solution, I tried Press-n-Seal first. I love Press-n-Seal, it has literally saved my son’s skin during cancer treatments, but it was not the solution to this problem. Like tape, it didn’t want to let go of the cardstock without a (destructive) fight.
In poking around my boxes of never-used supplies looking for sticky things, I found some Magic Mesh, and it fit the bill perfectly. (If you don’t know what Magic Mesh is click here.) You can also use the much cheaper and easier to find self-adhesive mesh drywall tape from a hardware store. Follow the steps below to use Magic Mesh/drywall tape to easily transfer your cutouts from mat to page:
1. Make your cuts, then remove the part of the cardstock you don’t want, while carefully keeping the parts you do want stuck down and in position on the mat (called weeding in the vinyl world). For cuts that are not clean, use an exacto knife to help you punch out the pieces and keep them in position.
2. Loosen the pieces from the mat a little, while keeping them in position. I do this by holding down one end with my finger or a toothpick and lifting the other end with the spatula tool. You only need to loosen one end of each piece to “break the bond” with the mat. The results will look something like the photo below. Notice how on each individual piece, one end is stuck in position and the other end is “free.”
3. Put a piece of Magic Mesh/drywall tape over the image adhesive side down and press down firmly over each piece of your cutout.
4. Remove the mesh from the mat and your pieces will come with it! Now would be a good time to do a trial positioning on your page or card. If something is a little off, the Magic Mesh/drywall tape is repositionable so it’s easy to scoot things around if you need to.
5. Turn over the mesh and apply your adhesive to the pieces of cardstock. Try not to get adhesive on the mesh.
6. Position the mesh with your glue-loaded pieces over your page and press into place.
7. Wait for the glue to dry and then remove the mesh, which can be reused. Or, if you are impatient like me, go ahead and remove the mesh before the glue dries, using the spatula if necessary to assist in the process. You could also try holding the pieces down with a toothpick through the open area of the mesh.
This is really a lot easier to do than to explain. You will get a feel for it pretty quickly and be able to adjust according to the stickiness of your mat and mesh, and the surface characteristics of your cardstock. This technique should be very helpful for paper piecing (without a Cricut, line up your handcut pieces over a printed guide, then transfer with Magic Mesh), for placing lettering (with or without a Cricut, use the grid on the Magic Mesh/drywall tape to line up individual letters), and especially for text in a circle or other complicated images that need to be positioned precisely. I’d love to hear how it’s working for you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

De vuelta a mi taller

Aqui de regreso dando pininos con un Mini Album para las Madres.... Aqui par de paginitas....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

PRSE..... The best scrapbooking event in Latinoamerica and US

I want to share with you some of the highlights of the event... Enjoy....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Aprovechando el tiempo

Mas regalos de madres

Como me gusta,.....


Algunos regalitos de madres

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